One of the main questions I was asked when I worked as a psychic, (aside from when will my boyfriend come back) was how to reach a true spiritual plane. This is going to be a primer for anyone interested.
People think that by being religious is being spiritual. This is not necessarily true. Too many people think theirs is the only true religion and everyone not following their faith will burn in hell. This would make a separate hell for, Catholics, Southern Baptists, Central Baptists, Lutheran, Protestants, Moslems, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc. What about people that convert from one religion to another$%: Which hell would they go to$%: The one for the religion they were born into or the hell for the religion they converted to$%:
Being spiritual is believing in the One, All Knowing, All-Powerful God. It is rejecting the dogma of religion. There is a difference between the teachings of a religion and the dogma of same. Being spiritual begins by finding the Light that shines within us all. The question is - how do we find this Light.
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The first thing everyone has to do is get rid of anger. It is very easy to live with anger. Anger is familiar. Anger is a crutch to use. I know. I lived with it for a very long time. I was filled with road rage every time I drove. I jumped down people's throats when they disagreed with me because I was convinced I was right and therefore if others would just do as I said everything would be ok. My granddaughter even bought me a shirt that reads "be reasonable, do it MY way."
I always knew anger was a control issue. People get angry when they are not in control. I just never associated being in control with how I reacted. Anger is also a negative emotion. Anger causes people to see situations in a jaded fashion. It was ironic. I was able to tell people how to change their lives for the better but never realized I was not taking my own advice.
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One day, my spirit guide finally pointed it out to me. My immediate reaction was anger - because I never got angry. Then I realized how ludicrous that emotion actually was. I became angry when told I was angry because I believed I never became angry. From that time on, I began to be aware of my actions and reactions. Now, whenever I am driving, the other driver's mistakes do not bother me. I just back off a little and give them plenty of room instead of riding their tails. If someone disagrees with me, fine, they are entitled to their own opinion regarding situations. If I am proven right, it was a lesson the other person had to learn so as to not make the same mistake again.
The Tao Te Ching says - to give up control is to have control. I was always able to quote the Tao, but the true meaning behind those words never sank into my conscious thought process. To give up anger is to have control over ones own life. To give up anger is to finally begin to see the good around you, instead of only negative things.
To give up anger is not an easy thing to do. But, once anger is released from ones' behavior, the world becomes much nicer. Where once negative energy propelled ones actions and reactions, positive energy now takes its place. True peace fills ones soul and the first step to spirituality is finally achieved.