There are many ways to say, "I Love You!" One way is to give gifts that show you care. Sometimes, last minute gifts can be the best gifts of all if you know how and where to find them. Here are some great last minute gift ideas for the one you love. All these can easily be purchased online, and often at great prices. If it's truly "last minute," you can even get fast shipping on many of these items.

Go for the Beauty Products

If shopping for a teen girl or a woman in her early 20s, go for the beauty categories. You can't go wrong with cosmetics, fragrances, or even clothing and accessories. Teenage girls seem to enjoy getting jewelry and clothing more than anything. They're always interested in the latest fashions. Find out what type of clothing, sizes, and colors she likes. This will enable you to choose a gift that fits her personality and tastes!

Gifts for the Fitness Fanatic

For the middle-aged man or woman, you might give fitness-related products. People in this age group tend to be more fitness-minded and might enjoy receiving health or fitness products, herbs, alternative blends, or weight loss equipment. Find out what type of fitness equipment they currently use and buy accessories for it. Or, give them a new outfit for workouts. For a male, you might try new weights or new fitness shoes.

Fun Gifts for the Young at Heart

For young children, games and toys are almost always winners. For the older, but "young at heart," home theater and home entertainment products might do the trick. Photo equipment and accessories are great for the photographer. Computer software and other electronics such as DVD players, iPods, and CD players also make great last minute gifts for loved ones of all ages.

Handy Gifts for the Homemaker

If your loved one loves to decorate their home or garden, there are many great home decor gifts, hardware for the handyman, and garden decor gifts. You can give items that match their current decor or theme. For instance, if your loved one uses a copper animal statue theme throughout their garden, you can buy a copper statue that goes along with their theme. Just make sure it's not one they have already! Or, buy something useful for the kitchen such as a set of knives.

Your last minute gift can still be meaningful. At online gift shops, you have a world full of great gift ideas at your fingertips!


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