Useful statements:
- Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Self-Assessment Cases In Surgical Imaging
- Poems of Keats Endymion. the Volume of 1820, and Other Poems
- Current issues in quantum logic
- The Value line investment survey, Volume 56,Nummers 35-43
- Devil's Breath Volcano
- The heroes of San Jacinto
- Hand in Glove /cNgaio Marsh
- The theatre: a sermon delivered in the First Presbyterian Church,
- Chemical Abstracts, Volume 139,Nummers 16847-29918
- Bioscience and Bioengineering of Titanium Materials
- The Art of Becoming Human: Patterns of Growth, the Adventure of
- Harpoon of the Hunter
- Movie Moguls Speak: Interviews With Top Film Producers
- Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Volume 43
- Starring Sally J. Freedman as herself